Understanding the key concepts when measuring the impact of Carbon Credit Projects. Voluntary Carbon Credits must score highly on all of the following:
Additionality is a defining concept of carbon-offset projects. To qualify as a genuine carbon offset, the reductions achieved by a project need to be 'additional' to what would have happened if the project had not been carried out (e.g. continued as business-as-usual)
Non-permanence is the risk that the carbon avoided or removed by the project will not remain so for the time committed
Over-crediting is the risk that more credits are issued than tonnes of CO₂e are achieved by a project due to factors such as unrealistic baseline assumptions.
Leakage is the risk that a credit’s removed or avoided emissions are simply pushed outside of the project’s boundaries. This can occur through market leakage, activity displacement or ecological leakage.
The risk that the policy environment undermines the project’s carbon effectiveness.
Net-Hero only sources the highest possible quality of carbon credits available. Transparency is crucial if we are to have a fighting chance at mitigating climate change, this will enable to accelerate and scale up the use of voluntary carbon credits as a critical tool in cooling down the atmosphere.
Each voluntary carbon credit contributes to high quality projects around the world, including afforestation, REDD+ projects, restoration of peatlands and blue carbon mangrove projects. This rating has been developed using a proprietary methodology for assessing the efficacy of certified carbon projects called the BeZero Carbon Rating. Using the most stringent verification standards, the teams of NET-HERO and BeZero Carbon have made it quick, simple, and affordable for organizations to offset their vehicle emissions.